[R>Writer] Share Writer for adult game "for rome"

May 19, 2019

I am working on an adult game called for rome

I'm not an english nativ so writing in english is not so easy for me.

I'm looking for an english writer to expand and improve the story.

Of course, if the game makes money, you would get a fair share

You can test the first version of the game on my patreon page.

If you are interested, please let me know.
May 19, 2019
Hit me up, we can work something out.


thanks for your message.
You can try the game on my website (free Download) ,
Maybe 10 minutes playing time.
The textparts are still very short and in bad english but they nicely portray the plot.
If you're interested, please write a little storry text for the game (just to see your skills).
It is planned that each activity will start a little story that will drive the main story as a whole. (And that makes the girl more obedient)
Please send me private messages and do not write it in the forum.