Identify [RPGM] game with monstergirl taming logic similar to Haremon


Jan 2, 2022
So, several years ago (5?) I've played a RPG Maker game, it was free at or at least had a good free demo. The game wasn't finished at the moment.

MC was a female, I believe she had a companion (fairy?) initially or gained her very soon after beginning of the game. Game started at an abandoned village (with fairies as enemies?) and second (?) location was a mine with blue orc girls. Similar to Haremon/Pokemon player needed to bring their health low and then use some item (potion? stone?) on them to capture - and one of each kind of girls would join the player afterwards, there were a lot of girls to collect (and usually "new girls" were "better=stronger" than old ones, party size was limited (player+2?)), many locations to explore (remember a desert with snakegirls and maybe harpies that were uncapturable at that game state). I believe first tasks were to rescue some villagers (like smith, tailor) from captivity so they would trade with character. During the gameplay the player character tames or befriends Kitsune (who AFAIR was a mini-boss in some location), who then guides the character on further actions (something related to crystals, destroying them?) finally ending with character cuddling with kitsune at her Japanese-themed home discussing further steps and some of the tamed girls (fairy and orc?) peeking and getting shouted at by kitsune. I don't think there was any sexual content, but I'm almost sure it had clothing damage both on player team and enemies and it needed to be repaired in the village (to avoid grapple attacks?). With the content ending kitsune telling that the character needs to travel to "enemy territory" (something about a tower?) but the location isn't finished in the current version of the game / in the demo version. The combat was default RPGM, most of the assets except for characters pictures in combat and dialogue were also default-like.

If you have any guess on the title - thank you! :D And if not - thank you for reading :D