
Oct 5, 2022
First, I searched the wiki for "whoever can do it" and found nothing. What mission on whose page are you attempting?

The list of character routes in the wiki do not need to be done in the order they are listed on the main walkthrough page ( ) UNLESS they say that you need to do something first. Obviously, you cannot complete Main Story: Part 3 without completing the previous parts.

You DO have to follow the steps within each character's route, though. You can't do something at the start of the walkthrough of Jenny's route and then try to complete one of the last missions unless you have completed her entire route up to then.

Here are three questions that the answers of which would help figure out what it takes to help you:
  • Whose story are you not wanting to continue right now and what was the last section on the wiki page in their walkthrough that you completed?
  • Whose story are you wanting to work on now, what is the first section on their wiki page of their walkthrough that you want to start?
  • Of that second person's story, have you done everything on their wiki page leading up to that point?
EDIT: I see you edited your post while I was typing my response to you. Instead of attempting to ask you more questions, I'm going to wait for you to respond to this post, first.
I'm stuck on this scene with Eric. Because I went to play this scene of Mia first.

Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
I'm stuck on this scene with Eric. Because I went to play this scene of Mia first.
If you have completed #16 on Mia's route then #10 in Tammy and June's route should also already be done. One requires the other.
1715597448569.png Proceed to the next tasks and see if you can start on them.
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general akil

Mar 1, 2019
i saw this on there discord

We have begun QA testing for the Tech Update internally with selected groups of active Patrons on Discord. Which means we are looking at polishing aspects of the game in preparation for a release!

We want to be transparent about the Tech Update development and release process so here's what you need to know:

How will the Tech Update be released and what content will be accessible?

The initial Tech Update release will only consist of the main "home" stories (Jenny and Debbie), 1st day at school and minor locations. Despite having the majority of the game converted for the Tech Update, this will be the first "part" of the game to be released publicly.

Here are the reasons why we are releasing the game in parts:

Players have been anxious about getting their hands on the new version of the game so now you get to sample all the improvements made and our general direction.

It's easier for us to balance and iron out any issues, bugs or inconsistencies that may pop up. Remember, this is a complete game overhaul so many things have been moved around and affected.

We get feedback from the player base as we roll out the content, which makes it easier to sort different issues and potentially change direction with some of the content.

When will it come out?

All game developers dread this question, but If testing goes well, we hope to release the first build towards the end of the coming month (May). As always, patrons will have exclusive access to a high speed download ahead of public availability.

After the initial release, how long will it take to get the rest of the "parts"?

Our current goal is to aim for a release cadence of roughly 2 months, starting with the initial release. This should give enough time for us to assess how well the content and any improvements were received and also implement the next parts to be released and have them playtested. At present the plan for these releases is for them to be character centric, focusing on adding in whole character routes at a time.

Can I help playtesting the upcoming content?

We currently are full with the QA/testing team but further announcements will be made in case we require additional help.

idk what to say


Dec 5, 2017
i saw this on there discord

We have begun QA testing for the Tech Update internally with selected groups of active Patrons on Discord. Which means we are looking at polishing aspects of the game in preparation for a release!

We want to be transparent about the Tech Update development and release process so here's what you need to know:

How will the Tech Update be released and what content will be accessible?

The initial Tech Update release will only consist of the main "home" stories (Jenny and Debbie), 1st day at school and minor locations. Despite having the majority of the game converted for the Tech Update, this will be the first "part" of the game to be released publicly.

Here are the reasons why we are releasing the game in parts:

Players have been anxious about getting their hands on the new version of the game so now you get to sample all the improvements made and our general direction.

It's easier for us to balance and iron out any issues, bugs or inconsistencies that may pop up. Remember, this is a complete game overhaul so many things have been moved around and affected.

We get feedback from the player base as we roll out the content, which makes it easier to sort different issues and potentially change direction with some of the content.

When will it come out?

All game developers dread this question, but If testing goes well, we hope to release the first build towards the end of the coming month (May). As always, patrons will have exclusive access to a high speed download ahead of public availability.

After the initial release, how long will it take to get the rest of the "parts"?

Our current goal is to aim for a release cadence of roughly 2 months, starting with the initial release. This should give enough time for us to assess how well the content and any improvements were received and also implement the next parts to be released and have them playtested. At present the plan for these releases is for them to be character centric, focusing on adding in whole character routes at a time.

Can I help playtesting the upcoming content?

We currently are full with the QA/testing team but further announcements will be made in case we require additional help.

idk what to say
Until new content is released it makes sense it'd be marked abandoned here until regular updates are normalized again. I've been following the progress and the Summertime Saga team has experienced some issues but work hasn't stopped it just got significantly slowed. We'll see what the next few months produce.
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LooLoo Baloo

Mar 15, 2021
- abandoned tag on F95 Zone

It is almost comical how quickly the tag can make developers like this actually put some work in.

And it's a shame because there's some fantastic developers that get 5% of what DarkCookie does, and they consistently release good updates.
But then there's these whales that make more than they deserve that only care about their revenue stream.


Aug 19, 2018
Some people don't know what time it is, even with the clock shoved in their face.

Darkcookie needlessly started on this "update project" and never updated what was supposed to a minor, months long project years ago despite getting more money than God for two years now...and almost three for a real update.


Apr 15, 2023
So I went back a few pages because I was curious about how many days there were between the Abandoned tag and DC's Discord post.

Am I seeing this correctly that it happened on the same day?

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