Identify Starts out as your average porn game, ends with a fight between you and a demon/crazy cult member (fairly detailed description)


New Member
May 9, 2024
TL;DR: Starts out a simple porn game, ends with a fight between you and a demon/crazy cult member

I played this one a couple years back. It's a 3D game. The game starts out simple like your average porn game. I can't recall if it has a Prominent game mechanic like match-3s or some kind of puzzle. But i think there was character route choice system, since there was a walkthrough included in the game files. Though, I dont know if it's from the developers themselves or the website I got it from.

Some scene I remember vaguely was a party, and a male comedic relief character. There was also a hot spring scene. And a secret tunnel under a church or chapel. So the character travels around the world or country quite a bit. The finale was a fight/encounter with a demon or crazy cult member with you prevailing as the winner and going home with the chicks post-finale.

And this is the most important bit that I can confidently remember:
The game has an ending song that made the actual song in youtube gained a bit of traction with comments mentioning the game. Something along the lines of "came for the porn, stayed for the story" and goddamn I agree with those statement.