Comics Over 150 Porn Comics Written - now what?

A. Lee Slowpa

New Member
Jan 22, 2018
So I'm not even sure this is in the right place but....

I've been writing porn comics (moslty incest *shrugs*) in my spare time for a while. I started during Covid to help pass the extra time. I now have over 150 spread over different mini-series and connected one-shots. I'm a pretty good writer, i've been doing it for a long time, just never published anything. I figured once you've got 150 of something you should start doing something with them and doing something with them would help me decide what series to work on now, there's no point writing 10 more issues of Popstar if the only comic i'm putting out is Down the Rabbit Hole if you get me. But I'm not quite sure what do next and would like some advice
Obvioulsy I need an arists or three to collaborate with, but I don't even know where to post completed comics if I was to get one. I get all my adult stuff from forums and repost sites. Is there an adult comic site out there where you post them first before everyone starts sharing them? LIke a VeryDeviantArt?
I probably sound incredibly stupid, becasue I am, can anyone help the incredibly stupid person? Thanks in advance


May 12, 2018
just to say i not going to sign up to another site to read your writing, so i don't know anything about your story.

if you want to earn money from adult stuff is always hard , most of the time i see is from site like subscribestar .

but i will say, it is very hard to earn money if you are only a writer in adult stuff, as there is far too many and now there is ai too.

so i will say if you want to do it you should think that you will not earn any money at all, and find artist or some one to work as a team just for fun.
or you can try to make it into a game.

if you just want to post your comics for free you can just post it on there is the most adult stuff for image that i know of. although if your is incest that can be a problem, not the incest but the age , if all of your char is not child is not a problem but if is there another one.
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A. Lee Slowpa

New Member
Jan 22, 2018
Thanks for the advice, making money from it never entered my mind but it's still very helpful.
Thanks for the link too. I'd never heard of ehentai.