Unity Nsfw (demo) Epidemy

Mar 22, 2017
Hey guys :)
Well, straight to the point - new demo is out.
It is rather unusual porn game.I’m inclined to keep the secret, but probably there is no much difference if you’ll learn what this game about right now or after starting it. Sooo this is the game about pubic louse. Yuck?
Your task is to infest as many hosts as you can! Enjoy carefully drawn and animated sex scenes, bite unsuspecting people and win the war with opposing clan…somewhere in the future. Right now this is demo, and as such, it’s not really full of stuff. However here you will find mostly completed game mechanics, 8 different sex scenes (check main menu, some are disabled by default), some good music and 2 mini-games. And, of course, some usual drawbacks of early access games - placeholders here and there, lack of balance and so on.There is no achievement, bonus characters, easter eggs and such. Yet.
Here is the demo! :)

(link updated with couple of small bugfixes for shaving minigame)

And some screenshots..

nunya damned

Sep 15, 2016
Ok. I was right. The author is a funny guy/gal. Lots of humor in it, decent minigames that are not too hard, and an overarching scheme to infest different host types in order to get energy to mutate. Different hosts are more or less difficult to live on based on their habits and it doesn't take forever to get the hang of the game. Also, he put in some ok music (for what sounds like an indie musician). Fun for the sake of fun with animated nudity/sex (but certainly not fap-worthy). Hope he keeps building it. It might be a good laugh when he gets it done.

Pyjak Slayer

Jun 5, 2017
This is extremely high quality, and is well done. I don't know how this isn't more popular, it's not really fap worthy like nunya said, but the concept is very cool. It's a shame no one knows about this game, and that you don't even have a few bucks going your way on Patreon. The only thing I would say that the game needs improvement on, would be the grammar.
Mar 22, 2017
This is extremely high quality, and is well done. I don't know how this isn't more popular, it's not really fap worthy like nunya said, but the concept is very cool.
Thank you. It's really inspiring, seriously.

It's a shame no one knows about this game, and that you don't even have a few bucks going your way on Patreon. The only thing I would say that the game needs improvement on, would be the grammar.
oh, it was translated in haste and never redone.. maybe one day I will actually return to this game. In reality, it got very cruel feedback everywhere else.

I reuploaded it, link should be working again.