Tool HTML Is there a way to to have sounds in gifs play automatically when playing HTML games? Playing on chrome


New Member
Oct 6, 2018
I prefer playing the great HTML games that gets posted here and I have a question about them. Most games with gifs have sounds associated but to play them I have to click on each gif and unmute it. Some games have it enabled as default, is there any option in my chrome browser that I can enable so that sounds play automatically. Or does any other web browser fix this?


New Member
Oct 6, 2018
Also was unsure as to how to tag the post. If any mod thinks this question is tagged wrongly pls advise me on what I should have tagged it as


Talking Shark. Developer of Confidence Man
Game Developer
Sep 12, 2020
Sound is sometimes disabled by the gamemaker either by muting the video during clip capture, or writing it into the code. I dont think there's a way to unmute via your browser if the dev hasn't coded it to work that way.

If you're looking for a new html game to play, try mine. Confidence Man. You might like it :)